If you are considering home health care for yourself, or a loved one, you probably have questions about the services you can expect, and many other questions. Below are answers to the most frequently questions that are presented to us:
a. “What exactly is home health care?:”
The term, home health care, describes those services which are provided by a licensed agency that is regulated by Medicare’s Conditions of Participation, is licensed by the California Department of Public Health, and is accredited by one of 3 accrediting agencies, such as the Joint Commission. The home health agency is authorized to provide nursing, therapy, social services, and dietary services to eligible patients through its staff of licensed clinical professionals and home health aides. You, or your loved one, may be experiencing an existing or newly diagnosed medical condition or illness. With the supervision of the primary care doctor, our team develops a personalized Plan of Care to maximize recovery. This plan may include nursing care, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and medical social work. We will implement this plan at whatever location a patient calls home, including Assisted Living Facilities. In fact, many of our patients reside at such facilities and we make it a point to co-ordinate with the Administrators and staff of such facilities to ensure that the best medical care is being provided to the patients.
b. “How is Steward Home Health Agency different from other agencies?”
Unlike other home health care providers Steward Home Health Agency chose to be accredited by the Joint Commission which, because of its highly demanding accreditation criteria, is the “Gold Standard” of accreditation organizations. Our decision to be scrutinized by the Joint Commission ensures that you receive the highest possible standard of care. We are also licensed by the California Department of Public Health to operate in Los Angeles, Riverside, San Bernardino, and Orange counties.
Because the mission of Steward Home Health Agency is to provide the best home health care in southern California throughout selected cities in the 4 southern California counties indicated above, we continually seek feedback from our patients, and keep current on developing trends in the health care field.
Besides carefully scrutinizing the credentials of our staff, we also test their psychological and emotional make-up before considering them for employment as part of the Steward Home Health Agency team; consequently, we know that any challenge presented to them will be handled in the most professional and empathetic manner possible. Every member of our team must also be in compliance with respect to the following:
- Current Physical and TB clearance
- Fingerprint submission to FBI for criminal background check
- First Aid and CPR training must be current.
We are proud of each of our team members and have confidence that we can trust the service and care they provide.
c. What is the benefit of home health care?
Research indicates that nine out of ten patients would rather keep living at home when illness strikes to maintain their quality of life. Studies also show that patients heal better, faster, and more frequently at home than in a hospital, nursing home or other institution. Simply stated, patients of every age group want to stay at home and be cared for when illness or a serious medical condition strikes.
d. What does home based health care consist of?
With the supervision of the patient’s primary care doctor, our dedicated team will develop a personalized Plan of Care to maximize recovery. The Plan of Care may include the involvement of various professionals, conducting a variety of activities on behalf of our patients, such as:
- Comprehensive nursing assessments
- Close monitoring of health conditions, including blood pressure, heart rate, and blood sugar, and oxygen levels.
- Drawing blood and lab work.
- Coumadin level monitoring (PT/INR levels).
- Coumadin level monitoring (PT/INR levels).
- Heplock/PICC Line/Port-a-Cath Care.
- Wound vacuum care.
- Teaching and counseling.
Physical Therapist:
Assistance with regaining muscle strength, balance, and walking.
Speech Therapist:
Assistance with language skills, swallowing, and memory problems.
Occupational Therapist:
Rehabilitation to restore bathing, cooking, and dressing skills .
Social Workers:
Guidance with financial problems and crisis management.
egistered Dieticians:
Dietary plans for special dietary and nutritional counseling.
Note: For additional details and more detailed listing, please look under our SERVICES section.
e. How do I access home health care services?
The patient, a family member, or patient representative may directly contact any home health care agency to access service. Physicians, Case Managers, Discharge Planners, Social Workers, and Assisted Living Facility Administrators may also make recommendations about home health. For people discharged from a hospital, Federal law guarantees a person’s right to choose the home care provider that he or she wants in their home. The hospital is required to provide a list of all registered home healthcare agencies, and to identify which, if any, are hospital sponsored or owned agencies. This means that you may request Steward Home Health Agency by name, if you so choose.”
f. What is the cost of home health care services?
Medicare, Medi-Cal, and HMO insurance generally cover costs; and private payment is, of course, also